You are at: Ocular Microbiology Course for Lab Assistant

  • To recognize common Lab. instruments and equipments.
  • To understand Lab. safety
  • To perform safety maintenance of Lab. instruments and equipments, reagents.
  • To understand to handle common lab. reagents and chemicals.
  • To understand the principles of measuring and weighing.
  • To describe the basis of ocular microbiology
  • To perform microscopic identification of common ocular pathogens.
  • To know the use of biological microscope
  • To practice the right method of collecting specimens and prepare smears.
  • To know the staining techniques
  • To practice all the basic sterilization techniques
  • To describe the purpose of washing hands and practice the correct steps in cleaning glass wares.
  • To describe the way of collecting urine and blood samples and its proper storage and transport systems.
  • To understand slit lam examination,
  • staining, schirmer test
  • Conjunctival scrab
  • Corneal scraping